Thursday, October 31, 2019

Influenza Vaccine During Pregnancy Research Paper

Influenza Vaccine During Pregnancy - Research Paper Example after the first dose, whereas previously unvaccinated children below 9 years were recommended with two doses of vaccine, the priming dose as well as the booster dose. The adverse reaction observed in these individuals involves soreness, fever, malaise and Guillian- Barre Syndrome (GBS) (1/100,000) recipients, other adverse drug reports encompass nasal congestion, headache, myalgias or fever (Stinhoff et al, 2012). Pregnancy is a condition that affects immune system to a greater extent as a result woman becomes prone to the health hazards caused by the flu or other complicated condition such as pneumonia or respiratory distress. Further, these conditions may culminate into premature labor or delivery of a preterm baby. Prevention of flu is therefore highly imperative. Vaccination as a preventive measure is a way to protect the fetus, infant stage. Childhood flu vaccines can be provided at or after 6 months of age. However, vaccination during the pregnancy results in the formation of a ntibodies which are passed on to the developing fetus and hence a passive protection or immunity is provided to the fetus. This flu vaccine is prepared from the inactivated virus while the nasal spray is prepared from the live virus which is contraindicated during pregnancy (Ayoub & Yazbak, 2006). Symptoms of Influenza Symptoms of influenza involve fever, myalgia, malaise, headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat, rhinitis etc. Such conditions could be assessed by performing viral culture and testing for the presence of viral antigen. Influenza virus possesses airborne transmission and person to person contact. The virus possesses an incubation period of two days and there is an abrupt onset of these symptoms. Observations reveal that influenza is accompanied by the complications like... Influenza spreads potentially in the community and is capable of causing spread and intensity of illness of the patient. The virus is capable of changing its antigenic forms from 1918 to 2009. Human is the indirect host and is known that pig serves as a host for human as well as avian species. Its transmission is through droplet nuclei as well as body discharges. The virus invades the respiratory epithelium after the incubation duration of 1-7 days. A damage to epithelium we followed by the immune response. Characters displayed by the patients encompass fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting followed by hospitalization. Vaccination against the devastating disease influenza is highly essential to prevent the development of complications, especially pneumonia in children. During pregnancy the immunity provided to the developing fetus is passive, it can prevent the fetus from influenza. Reports of teratogenic as well as carcinogenic implications of the condition have been observe d. Although with research studies the success rate has augmented still a lot of controversies regarding the influenza vaccine are gaining prevalence. On one hand, the reports highlight the positive consequences of the influenza vaccine in preventing the disease condition while on the other hand there are reported the incidence to display the teratogenic as well as the carcinogenic impact of the influenza vaccine. Dreaded diseases like pH1N1 could be combated due to the administration of pH1N1 vaccination.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


ROAD TO AMIRS REDEMPTION Essay ROAD TO AMIRS REDEMPTION In a lifetime, everyone will face personal battles and guilt, some large and some small. Such as guilt over sneaking out, not doing homework, or telling your parents a little white lie. People find peace of mind through redeeming themselves, in other words, we do something that makes up for the cause of guilt. Khaled Hosseinis novel The Kite Runner revolves around betrayal and redemption. Redemption is the act of saying or being saved from sin, error or evil, which the main character Amir seems to need the most. Amir lives with the guilt he has built up over the years because of one incident from his childhood. Amirs fathers words still echo through his head A boy who wont stand up for himself becomes a man who cant stand up to anything. –pg. 24 Although Amir destroyed the lives of many people, and he has had more than one opportunity to redeem himself of his guilt, he is not the selfish little boy he once was. How often does one stop and think, How will this affect everyone else in my life? Amir had a chance in the alley, to put Hassan first and change the path of both their lives, but he made the decision to turn around and run because it was what he thought was best for him: I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan – the way hed stood up for me all those times in the past – and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran. I ran because I was a coward. I was afraid of Assef and what he would do to me. I was afraid of getting hurt. Thats what I told myself as I turned my back to the alley, to Hassan. Thats what I made myself believe. I actually aspired to cowardice, because the alternative, the real reason I was running, was that Assef was right: Nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba. –pg.77 Amirs selfish ways were a result of the lack of his fathers affection in his life. As a young boy, he was forced to deal with his fathers disinterest in him, which made him incredibly jealous of Hassan. Amir could not understand at the time, why his father adored his servants son more  than his own son. As the tension increases between Amir and Hassan, Amir can no longer stand to see Hassan everyday because of what Amir had not stopped and he could not bare seeing his father showing Hassan love and not him. Hassan and his father are forced to leave their home after Amir places his watch under Hassans pillow and accuses him of stealing it. Hassan did not even deny the accusations because he had figured out what Amir was doing. Hassan knew. He knew I had betrayed him and yet he was rescuing me once again, maybe for the last time. –pg.111 Even after the alleged theft of the watch, Amirs father is willing to forgive Hassan, which stunned Amir, and made him see that the love his father has for Hassan is greater than he imagined. Amir did not just ruin Hassans life; he also ruined the lives of many people with his decisions after the incident in the alley. Baba lost a chance to watch his son, Hassan, grow up and also lost the chance to bring him to America so he could start a new life. Sohrab lost both his parents to war because they were still living in Afghanistan, lost his childhood to war, and tried to commit suicide as a result of Amir going back on his promise to keep him safe from orphanages. Soraya lost her right to the truth when Amir kept his past a secret even though she opened up to him about hers. It is one thing to destroy your own life with guilt, but it is a completely different issue when you destroy the lives of others. Before Amir can go on the road to redemption, Amir must realize that he cant go back and change what he has done as a child, and he must find inner peace. Although if it was not for Amirs actions as a child, Sohrab never would have needed to be saved in the first place but by saving Sohrab, the last piece of Hassans life, does make a difference. From the moment he chose to turn his back on Hassan, there were many chances where Theres a way to be good again –pg.238 for all his wrongdoings, but he chose not to take any of these. Sohrab was his last and only chance for redemption. I have a wife in America, a home, a career and a family. But how could I pack up and go back home when my actions may have cost Hassan a chance at those very same things? And what Rahim Khan revealed to me changed things. Made me see how my entire life, long before the winter of 1975, dating back to when that singing Hazara woman was still nursing me, had been a cycle of lies betrayals and secrets. –pg.238 Amir admits that he cost Hassan a chance at a good life and that he had many opportunities to change the outcome of Hassans life. But at this moment he realized he could lose everything he has built in America, but for the first time in his life, Amir did not care about only himself, he came to terms with what he had done, and he was ready to redeem himself at any cost. Amir finally became the man who stood up for himself and his sins. Throughout his childhood, Amir looked for his fathers affection and he never could get it. His father had said Im telling you, Rahim, there is something missing in that boy. –pg.24 Amirs father would have been proud of him at this very moment because that was all he had wanted from him. The guilt that was built over the years was finally put to rest at the safety of Sohrab. In Afghanistan when Amir stood up for Sohrab and Assef aggressively beat him up, Amir had said My body was broken—just how badly I wouldnt find out until later—but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed. –pg.289 which showed Amir had come to terms with what he had done as a child and was finally felt relieved. Although he was getting beat up, it did not matter anymore, he just wished he had stood up to Assef years ago, and maybe he would have earned his redemption in that alley.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Marketing Mix And Promotion Mix

Marketing Mix And Promotion Mix Ethics have been an important aspect of business activities across the world for a long time. Ethical considerations are always in inseparable elements of business activities, thus advertising cannot be ignored. So we can say that ethics play quite an important role in advertising. Some of the ethics in advertising are: There should be no offence to the generally accepted norms of decency. Claims and representations should be true and honest. There should not be careless use of advertising products which are harmful either to individuals or society. The principle of fair competition should be respected in case of comparative advertising. The dignity of the human person should be maintained. Manipulative techniques should not be used, that means those techniques that play on a customer emotions etc. Ethical considerations are different from legal considerations. Legal considerations are enforced by law, but in case of ethical considerations they can or cannot be enforced by law. Ethical consideration have more to do with responsibility of a person towards the society, while legal considerations are something that has been written, approved and then enforced by the Government. Different companies have different ethical considerations towards a particular product or services, but legal considerations will always remain same as the opposite will be against the law. If we take the case of cigarette advertisement, the writing which says that cigarette is injurious to health is legal consideration; they cannot sell it without that phrase. The non use of vulgarity or obscenity can be seen as an ethical consideration more than a legal consideration. Communication is quite important in business. Ineffective communication causes a huge amount of damage to the company. There are a lot of barriers to communication, which stops the message being transferred. So to ensure that the messages are not impeded barriers to communication should be taken to consideration. So barriers to marketing communication campaign are: Variation in tone or style: If the marketing communication being informal or friendly or if the letters written in the message is threatening, can be a barrier to marketing communication. Noise: Noise can be a barrier as it can cause disturbance and may lead to confusion. For example when talking to a customer faults in telephone line causing some noises could cause disturbances. Differing perceptions: We know that each person is different, so people can take things differently, so a message should always be loud and clear. For example let us consider the advertisement of green tea, if the message that it is green tea is not mentioned loud and clear people could think it as normal tea. Language: Most misunderstandings can happen due to the difference in spoken interpretation. As we know language is most important for communication. For example the usage of jargon can often distort a message, it is not necessary everyone understands it. Lengthy message: If the messages are long people may tend to not to read or hear it fully and the message may not be conveyed in the right way. For example the TV advertisements are mostly about 30 seconds to 45 seconds, if it is more than that most people tend to get annoyed and would not listen to carefully. Prejudices: Some people tend to hear what they tend to hear but not what is said, so it may create false assumptions. Overload: Too much information in the messages can cause problems and the targeted audience may get confused. For example the TV ads regarding toothpastes in which it says the ingredients of the toothpaste, if the names of all ingredients are said people would get confused. Inconsistency: If the messages received are conflicting or inconsistent people tends to ignore them. For example the ad regarding soap, in the ad the company claims some effects of the soap and if anyone who had used it before never got the result would tend to believe the message is false. Channel barrier: If the channel used to send the message is not proper the message may not be received. For example the advertisement have video scenes can only be communicated via TV or internet but not through newspaper. Physical distractions: For example if the message is communicated through E-mail and there are spelling or grammar mistakes, the person who receives it wonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be able to concentrate on the message. Electronic Medias have always played an important role in communication. The evolutions of technology have made communication far easier. The electronic media includes Television, Radio, Telephone, Computers, Internet, Fax, DVD, CD-ROMs etc. As we know there are advantages and disadvantages for everything. The advantages of electronic media in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s communication campaign are: Messages can be communicated quickly. For example an E-mail can be sent quickly to people. Messages can be communicated at a time to a large number of people. For example an ad on television is seen by a lot of people at the same time. Distance is no longer a problem. For example a message can be communicated to a person at a far distance through telephone, e-mail etc. Audio, video and text can be used in the same medium. For example take the case of advertisements on television, in an ad there is video, audio and also text. It can be recorded and can be stored for future use. For example a message can be stored DVDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and can be used for future use. Powerful impact on people. For example an advertisement on television can have a lasting and powerful impact on people. The disadvantages of electronic media in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s communication campaign are: They are less intimate. For example an e-mail message is not as close as communicating directly. The mechanism of feedback is slow. For example the response to a television advertisement cannot be known quickly. The medium is expensive. For example a computer is expensive to buy. To make programmes special trainings are required. For example trained people are required for the making of an advertisement which is aired on television. In rural areas the access is limited. For example in many rural areas in many countries the internet is not available so e-mails cannot be used as a medium of communication. They are not permanent. For example and advertisement cannot be aired permanently, they will be taken off air after a considerable time. 6. Marketing Communication objectives are derived from marketing objectives. The main objectives of marketing and marketing communication objectives are to increase brand awareness, increase sales, encourage action from the targeted audience, improve customer relations, establish themselves in the industry etc.

Friday, October 25, 2019

German Barbarians :: essays research papers

Just outside the boundaries of the Roman empire of the first and second centuries, beyond the Rhine River, and occupying the area of Central Europe of what is today Germany, lived the tribes of the Germanic people. In Germania, the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus gave an account of the lifestyles and organization of these peculiar barbarians. These descendants of modern Germans proved peculiar in that they adopted many qualities typical of barbaric cultures, yet they simultaneously practiced virtues more befitting of advanced civilizations, values more ethical than even the Roman empire of the time. The German warriors had a rigid code that defined how to live honorable lives and shameful acts to avoid committing, and the warriors also adhered to strict tradition in their relationship with their king or chief.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The climate of Germany suited the warriors well. The combination of â€Å"wild scenery and harsh climate† (Tacitus, Germania) had given the barbarians an inherent endurance towards cold and hunger over time. To cope with their surroundings, the warriors had developed powerful physiques, yet their abundant resources of strength and stamina proved not to be a source of pleasure for them, for the warriors had â€Å"no fondness for feats of endurance or for hard work† (Tacitus, Germania). In earthly matters, Germany’s apparent lack of precious metals made the warriors quite utilitarian in regards to physical possession. They preferred silver to gold, as silver could be more easily fashioned into useful objects. Only the tribes of warriors on the borders of the Roman empire recognized gold and silver as trading commodities, while the ‘backwoods’ tribes traded through the simple practice of barter, yielding one item in exchange for anot her (Tacitus, Germania).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Germanic tribes were by no means idle people. Not content with the quietness characteristic of daily lives built on routine, â€Å"for rest is unwelcome to the race† (Tacitus, Germania), the tribes warred with their neighbors. In most cases, the tribes did not engage in voluntarily combat to gain or defend land or to right some alleged wrong against them; they mostly fought for two reasons. They first believed that it was easier to distinguish one’s self in the uncertainty of war, rather than in the predictability of routine. So war became a way for the barbarians to prove their honor, or sometimes expose their shame, as the abandonment of the shield during combat was â€Å"the height of disgrace† (Tacitus, Germania).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Darkest Child

In the novel The Darkest Child the author Delores Phillips displays the activities and likely hood of growing up in the still racist Deep South. The main character Tangy Mae encounters hardships and tribulations amongst her family. Her mother Rozelle Quinn displays negative habits of a mother by being over controlling of her kids. Rozelle often beat and called her children names out of frustration and rage. Tangy Mae and her siblings must step up to the plate in order for the family to make a living without a father figure while dealing with their scolding mother.In the story the Darkest Child the mother Rozelle Quinn is a thirty – five year old tall slender lady with dark grey eyes and so fair-skinned that she can pass for white is the mother of ten children including Tangy Mae who all lived in fear of her moods and temper. Rozelle favors her light-skinned kids, but insists that they all love and obey her unquestioningly. Tangy Mae is her smartest and darkest colored child, a nd her mother treated her different because of that.Tangy Mae went to school longer than all of her other siblings and wanted to continue but her mother wouldn’t allow her to because she wanted her to work like the rest of her siblings. Her mother would often beat her and her other siblings an example from the book is â€Å"The belt looped through the air in a rush, but instead of striking Martha Jean it cut into my shoulders, neck, and back. It knocked me off balance. †(Phillips 119) Her mother would always tell her things like she was ugly.She would talk to her kids anyway she would like and always threatened them to get her point across for example â€Å"Effortlessly, Mama wrapped her other arm around Martha Jean’s neck and breathed into her ear, dumb bitch. You no-good, dumb bitch. I’ll break yo’ goddam neck. †(Phillips 118) But somehow through all the stressful situations Tangy somehow still managed to keep her head up and stay strong t hrough it all. Their mother had a mental illness she would â€Å"Satan’s in here, she said in a hollow voice, her gaze darting about the room.While I was gone, one of yall let satan in my house. Who was it? No one spoke. Don’t sit there like idiots. I wanna know who did it. †(Phillips 69-70) This shows that Tangy Mae’s mother suffers from an mental illness. Tangy Mae and her siblings have been through it all from racism to being baldly mistreated by their mother. Their mother wanted to be in control of their whole life and if her kids ever went against something she said and didn’t obey her rules she would brutally hit them and call them all types of names.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Japanese Architecture In The 20th Century

Once pariahs in the Tokyo architecture world, Kathryn Findlay and Eisaku Ushida are now being embraced - at least by some - as its only hope. by Adam Davidson During those walks - as they compared their responses to the parks - it became obvious just how divergent their philosophies were. They began to develop a new way of thinking about architecture, one that incorporated both Findlay's attraction to the irregular appearance of the gardens and Ushida's love of their artful formalism. This new approach has resulted in some of most original, beautiful, and functional buildings in Tokyo, where their practice is now based. In a remarkably eclectic city, the forms, the materials, and the site plans of their houses bear no resemblance to those of other structures. Among the clean Modernist lines and planes of their neighbors, Ushida Findlay houses twist and bulge bizarrely. In a country where every architect hopes to create an ideal form, Findlay and Ushida prefer to blur the distinct ions between their creations and the natural landscape."They're special," says Peter Cook, chairman of architecture at the Bartlett School in London, and Findlay's former tutor at the Architectural Association (AA). "They may be the most special architects of their generation. They're getting quite a lot of mileage in England - they're getting onto competition lists, into publications, they pull in large crowds at lectures." Along with the praise has come work in Britain. They recently finished designing an apartment building for the Homes for the Future project, part of Glasgow 1999 - the central focus of the city's yearlong celebration of architecture and design - which is their largest commission to date in any country. They were also among six finalists (a shortlist that included Frank Gehry and Norman Foster) in one of the most prestigious British design competitions of the past decade, for the 1996 Financial Times Millennium Bridge spanning t... Free Essays on Japanese Architecture In The 20th Century Free Essays on Japanese Architecture In The 20th Century Once pariahs in the Tokyo architecture world, Kathryn Findlay and Eisaku Ushida are now being embraced - at least by some - as its only hope. by Adam Davidson During those walks - as they compared their responses to the parks - it became obvious just how divergent their philosophies were. They began to develop a new way of thinking about architecture, one that incorporated both Findlay's attraction to the irregular appearance of the gardens and Ushida's love of their artful formalism. This new approach has resulted in some of most original, beautiful, and functional buildings in Tokyo, where their practice is now based. In a remarkably eclectic city, the forms, the materials, and the site plans of their houses bear no resemblance to those of other structures. Among the clean Modernist lines and planes of their neighbors, Ushida Findlay houses twist and bulge bizarrely. In a country where every architect hopes to create an ideal form, Findlay and Ushida prefer to blur the distinct ions between their creations and the natural landscape."They're special," says Peter Cook, chairman of architecture at the Bartlett School in London, and Findlay's former tutor at the Architectural Association (AA). "They may be the most special architects of their generation. They're getting quite a lot of mileage in England - they're getting onto competition lists, into publications, they pull in large crowds at lectures." Along with the praise has come work in Britain. They recently finished designing an apartment building for the Homes for the Future project, part of Glasgow 1999 - the central focus of the city's yearlong celebration of architecture and design - which is their largest commission to date in any country. They were also among six finalists (a shortlist that included Frank Gehry and Norman Foster) in one of the most prestigious British design competitions of the past decade, for the 1996 Financial Times Millennium Bridge spanning t...