Friday, February 14, 2020

Animal Human Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Animal Human Cultures - Essay Example The proponent tries to elaborate this by pointing that humans could actually take advantage of whatever benefits they could substantially exploit from their pets. Keywords: pet keeping, animal companionship, pet, animals â€Å"The keeping of animal companions in the contemporary West is undoubtedly an exercise of domination. Despite this, different kinds of relations are possible† (Cudworth, 144). Discuss. Introduction The keeping of animal companion is a form of domination because humans are superior to any other life forms on earth with respect to different aspects. There is a significant gap, or indifference between humans and animals as agreed by Le Guin (1986). When it comes to intelligence, humans are capable of doing substantial number of great things compared to its other animal counterparts. Cudworth (2011) strongly emphasises this point by mentioning how humans could be capable of altering different breeds of pets. For instance, substantial breeds of pets are remarka ble at present. Based on the idea of Franklin (1999), the reason why this could be so it is because having companionship with pets would bring some substantial benefits for humans. In other words, genetic modifications which led to animals to become diversified in their breeds points to the fact that they are not humans in the first place. In other words, humans can take control over them and there could also be many things that they can possibly do with them. Cudworth emphasises that pets are loved because they are not humans in the first place. However, the definition of this love might be a bit problematic because this argument simply has remarkable implications in proving some important relationships existing between humans and animals. Furthermore, this argument proves that affection and love may not be synonymous after all as there must considerations of different contexts in this issue. However, it is obvious that there must be substantial form of relationships existing betwe en humans and animals in the issue of animal companionship. The proponent tries to elaborate this point clearly as possible by applying the arguments of Franklin and Cudworth in line with the issue of animal companionships. Background issue The domestication of animals provides many important things. In fact, this is the point in which humans can maximise everything out of domesticating or taking control over animals. For Cudworth this could involve having affection with them despite the very presence of domination. However, Franklin tries to include the point in which this specific affection addresses ontological insecurity. This ontological insecurity comes after the loss of paternal welfare due to market individualism in 1960s (Franklin, 1999). The keeping of animal companions boils down to the fact that humans could take care of their pets with them due to some elemental reasons. So it could be that the domestication itself is a way to orchestrate better interaction between huma ns and animals for the benefit of the former. It is true that the keeping of animals in the contemporary West is a form of domination but according to Cudworth (2011), there is affection involved in it. It is important to consider in great detail what this affection particularly means. As for the argument of Franklin, there could be essential relationship that exists in keeping animals as companions. However, his entire argument includes the major points about the benefits

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Environmental Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Environmental Studies - Essay Example The ecological system totally depends on how it is being preserved and maintained. Global could have been prevented by taking the measures and following the plans.(Glantz 1999). Pollution is the main reason behind global warming. Smoke form vehicles, factories and manufacturing plants and forest fire are the major cause for pollution. All this lead to global warming which in turn was spoiled most of the species in the world. Discharge of toxic and poisonous gas from the industries also provoked global warming. The green house effect was disturbed due to this. The glaciers in many countries started melting because of these problems. There are various causes of global warming. Emission of gases like methane and gases like nitrous oxide mixed with the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide from the vehicles was also a cause. This problem was common in most of the countries. Deforestation contributed to this problem. Although most of the scientists around the world tried hard to educate people regarding global warming, this was vain. As people were not aware of global warming and its after effects, they did not try to protect the environment. (McDonough, Michael 2002). Temperature difference has affected the ecology. ... As this also differed, the ecology was altered. The sea level got increased which resulted in natural calamity like tsunami. Other natural disasters like volcanic eruptions and earth quake made earth uninhabitable. Due to global warming many species became extinct. But people never thought it would become such a threat. Nearly 40% of the species have been decimated. Global warming showed its nature with the evolvement of new diseases. (Quinn 1995).Many unnamed diseases started to spread and they did not have any proper medicines to cure it. Many people lost their lives during this time. From this, there was a gradual decrease in the population. By this time the level of sea started to rise, as the glaciers melted down and fell into the sea. Though many organizations tried to spread the awareness regarding global warming, only some were able to achieve their goal. They did not know the seriousness of global warming. Other disasters like volcano occurred in many countries. This too resulted in the increase of mortality rate. The diseases that started spreading due to global warming were mainly because of poisonous gas like methane which was emitted by many sources. Organic and inorganic wastes were also a major problem. Industries did not dispose their wastes properly. The factories let out their wastes into the water bodies. Some of the manufacturing plants dumped their wastes in open vast lands and some burnt these wastes. This polluted the atmosphere, which created holes in the ozone layer. Gases like CFC which are being used in refrigerators are the main cause for the problems in the ozone layer. Drought also contributed to the decline in the species. People did not have the facilities to cultivate their land to produce food.