Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay Unit 5 P3 Btec Level 3 Health and Social Care

Main body system Cardiovascular system The cardiovascular system has three main functions: ïÆ'Ëœ Transport- Transportation of oxygen, nutrients and hormones to cells and removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide, heat and nitrogenous wastes. ïÆ'Ëœ Regulation- Of body temperature, fluid pH and water content of cells ïÆ'Ëœ Protection- By white blood cells, antibodies and complement proteins that circulate in blood and defend again foreign microbes and toxins. Also white blood cells clot when body is injured. Heart is associated to cardiovascular system, heart is also known as the blood-pump of the body. It pumps blood through the circulatory system to all parts of the body. The blood carries food and oxygen to the cells and carries†¦show more content†¦The amino acids that are not immediately required are broken down in the liver to make urea; this urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys for elimination of waste. The functions of the renal system, which are performed by the kidneys, are to regulate and maintain the balance of electrolytes and the pH of the fluid that has been processed. It assists in the production of new red blood cells and it also involved in the maintenance of blood pressure. Kidneys, ureters and bladder are associated with renal system. The main functions of the kidney in order of importance are: Blood pressure control salt and water balance erythropoietin (a hormone) production vitamin D metabolism The function of ureters is to enter the urinary bladder at an angle to help prevent any back flow (reflux) of urine back into the ureter. The ureter connects the kidney to the urinary bladder and urine is drained from the kidney and stored in the bladder it’s a passage through which urine passes from kidneys to the urinary bladder. The function of bladder is to hold urine the bladder is a sort of pouch found in the end of the genito-urinarian tract. Its function is to retain the urine of the body until it can be released to the urethra and out of the body. NervousShow MoreRelatedUnit 2 Assignment P2 P3 M11036 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma in Health Social Care Student Name: Date Submitted: Unit: 2.2 Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care I certify that the attached work is original and my own: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Student Signature Assessment Title: Concepts and discriminatory and discriminatory practices Lecturer: Nicky Edwards, Patricia Britto Issue Date: w/c 6th October 2014 Hand in date: 24th October 2014 Criteria 1st Referral Hand in DateRead MoreResearch: Scientific Method and Social Care1464 Words   |  6 PagesAssignment front sheet Qualification Unit number and title BTEC L3 : Health and social care Year 1 Unit 22: Research Methodology for Health and Social Care Learner name Assessor name Nadia Anderson, Shauna Silvera Date issued Deadline Submitted on September 2013 (Individual issue dates set throughout the year) July 2014 (Individual deadline dates set throughout the year) Assignment title Research Methodology for Health and Social Care In this assessment you will have opportunities to provideRead MoreEssay on Pdf Unit 45 Level 3 Health and Social Care3593 Words   |  15 PagesUnit 45: Independent Learning in Health and Social Care Unit code: D/600/9026 QCF Level 3: BTEC Nationals Credit value: 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose This unit aims to enable learners to work independently and contribute effectively in a learning environment. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Greatest Accomplishment Of Lance Armstrong At The Tour...

The seven time victories of Lance Armstrong at the Tour de France proved to be an unforgettable accomplishment that has inspired individuals to part take in the sport of cycling. This triumph, however, spurred curiosity and scandal on whether Armstrong had taken performance enhancing drugs to achieve his victories. The use of performance enhancers has been a debate sparking controversy among the industries of professional sports. Advocates of the legalization of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports believe that it will result in an increase of fans, elevate athlete’s skills, and expand economic sport profits. In contrast, protesters of performance enhancing drugs believe that it will lose fans (due to game deception), risk athlete’s health, and bankrupt sports’ businesses. Before justifying the rights and wrongs on legalizing performance enhancers in professional sports, one must know the mechanics behind sports (cycling) and how doping begins. In any sports, athletes are put through extensive and rigorous training which deem to be physically demanding and arduous. Looking at the Tour de France, professional cyclists must sit on a bike and pedal for 300 miles of constants uphills while competing with other cyclists for first place. The mental and physical pressure of competitive sports causes the human body to become fatigued. For this reason, professional athletes rely on performance enhancing drugs for extra strength in order to compete vigorously.Show MoreRelated Lance Armstrong Essay1153 Words   |  5 Pagesthemselves champions of the sport. Lance Armstrong has succeeded so many times in this strenuous sport, that he has earned his title as the greatest cyclist. Lance was born on September 18, 1971 in a tiny suburb of Dallas, Texas called Oak Cli ff. Because his mother was pregnant with him when she was only seventeen years old, Lance grew up without a father figure, but to him it did not matter. Soon after, when he turned three, his mother Linda Mooneyham married Terry Armstrong who later became Lances newRead MoreThe Gratifying Qualities Of Sophocles Antigone1567 Words   |  7 Pagesblows of faith, and at long last the blows will teach us wisdom.† Lance Armstrong was one of the most respected cyclists in American history. HIs greatest accomplishments are winning seven Tour de France and inspiring millions of people. But, accusation of the use performance-enhancing drugs began to transpire. While Armstrong was i the hospital due to cancer, doctors questioned him about any substance use, in which Armstrong told the doctor the drugs he was using. Two of Armstrong’s friend BetsyRead MoreAnabolic Steroids And Its Effects On The Body1272 Words   |  6 Pagesbetter because they may have a smaller chance of recognition. One of the most recent and memorable that comes to mind is Lance Armstrong. Lance Armstrong is a former American professional road racing cyclist. After denying for years, he admitted to using anabolic steroids over the course of his career to improve his stamina. He would later be stripped of all seven Tour de France titles and an Olympic bronze medal. In Major League Baseball, or MLB, there are numerou s allegations of athletes using anabolicRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs4152 Words   |  17 Pagesthe ballplayers who took them and, of course, for their families. Newsweek also finds it very difficult to see these athletes rake in tens of millions of dollars for their cheat fest and, at the same time, erase from the record books some of the greatest names in what once was an illustrious game. Athletes will continue to say that they do not take performance-enhancing drugs even after they get caught, to be able to continue their cheat fest. Newsweek responds to the athletes cheat fest byRead MoreCase Study9153 Words   |  37 Pagesthe long-term performances of organizations that enjoy relatively stable operating environments. In contrast, organizations that operate in volatile and frequently changing environments are more likely to find that an organic structure provides the greatest benefits. This structure allows the organization to respond to environment change more pro actively. For example, Nike now embraces the rhetoric of environmental responsibility - including what it calls the triple bottom line. This approach supplementsRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesentire world, Thomas Edison’s prediction that the lightbulb would never catch on, or Irving Fisher’s (preeminent Yale economist) prediction in 1929 (a month before the crash) that the stock market had reached â€Å"a permanently high plateau.† When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969, most people predicted that we would soon be walking on Mars, establishing colonies in outer space, and launching probes from lunar pads. In 1973, with long lines at the gas pumps due to an OPEC-led fuel crisis, economistsRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words   |  534 Pageslong-range best interests. Organizations can explicitly encourage employees to stay abreast of developments in the field by inc orporating knowledge acquisition activities and accomplishments in performance evaluation and reward systems. Organizations also can set goals for updating knowledge and reward such goal accomplishments. In addition to these suggestions, funding attendance at conferences and providing time to read professional literature can help to prevent obsolescence.44 An example of one

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Nz Fitness Industry Free Essays

Within New Zealand a growing number of people are using the fitness industry as a convenient means of improving and maintaining their well-being. In recent times a market boom has taken place with more and more gyms being built throughout the country, and with them new business opportunities arising. One of the most renown gyms in New Zealand, Les Mills is an example of one of these modern business franchises. We will write a custom essay sample on Nz Fitness Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the 43 years since Phillip Mills family started running their first Les Mills gym in New Zealand, the gym has since gone international with over 14,000 gyms now spread throughout 75 countries worldwide and an estimated net worth of (†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ) (citation). It is estimated that in New Zealand alone the gym industry generated over (†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ) in 2008 (citation). Along with the increase in gyms being established a large proportion of the fitness industry is now focusing on nutrition as an additional market for generating profit. This report serves to analyse and interpret both individual markets along with relevant figures, and will outline the potential future business prospects for investment or creating a new franchise in both markets. New Zealand has a large fitness industry as exercise has become a very important part of everyday life. Today’s gym goers are opting for low frills operators trading away high end services in favour of convenience, price and flexible contracts. With more than 10% of New Zealand’s population now seeing an exercise professional regularly, there is a total of 400,000 people on average seeing 1500 exercise professionals on a regular basis. (cited) Some of the top gyms in New Zealand are Les Mills, Next generation and Jetts. Les Mills has a competitive advantage of having fun while exercise via the fitness classes that are suitable for all ages and sizes, such as Body Combat. Les Mills is a large firm that has privately owned companies headquarters in Auckland only which are valued at $130 million. Les Mills believes that by 2020 they will open a further of 10 gyms in Auckland (cited Mills). The health and fitness market has been described as blandly premium as there is little deffirentiation between service offerings, indicating that there is opportunity for competitive advantage to be achieved through quality. In order to open a new franchise sufficient funds must be available. Competition exist with a newly opened Les Mills Britomart, which was set up with a total cost of $10 million dollars. Margins are very slim for smaller gyms, so would need to be a large player to be successful. How to cite Nz Fitness Industry, Papers Nz Fitness Industry Free Essays Within New Zealand a growing number of people are using the fitness industry as a convenient means of improving and maintaining their well-being. In recent times a market boom has taken place with more and more gyms being built throughout the country, and with them new business opportunities arising. One of the most renown gyms in New Zealand, Les Mills is an example of one of these modern business franchises. We will write a custom essay sample on Nz Fitness Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the 43 years since Phillip Mills family started running their first Les Mills gym in New Zealand, the gym has since gone international with over 14,000 gyms now spread throughout 75 countries worldwide and an estimated net worth of (†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ) (citation). It is estimated that in New Zealand alone the gym industry generated over (†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ) in 2008 (citation). Along with the increase in gyms being established a large proportion of the fitness industry is now focusing on nutrition as an additional market for generating profit. This report serves to analyse and interpret both individual markets along with relevant figures, and will outline the potential future business prospects for investment or creating a new franchise in both markets. New Zealand has a large fitness industry as exercise has become a very important part of everyday life. Today’s gym goers are opting for low frills operators trading away high end services in favour of convenience, price and flexible contracts. With more than 10% of New Zealand’s population now seeing an exercise professional regularly, there is a total of 400,000 people on average seeing 1500 exercise professionals on a regular basis. (cited) Some of the top gyms in New Zealand are Les Mills, Next generation and Jetts. Les Mills has a competitive advantage of having fun while exercise via the fitness classes that are suitable for all ages and sizes, such as Body Combat. Les Mills is a large firm that has privately owned companies headquarters in Auckland only which are valued at $130 million. Les Mills believes that by 2020 they will open a further of 10 gyms in Auckland (cited Mills). The health and fitness market has been described as blandly premium as there is little deffirentiation between service offerings, indicating that there is opportunity for competitive advantage to be achieved through quality. In order to open a new franchise sufficient funds must be available. Competition exist with a newly opened Les Mills Britomart, which was set up with a total cost of $10 million dollars. Margins are very slim for smaller gyms, so would need to be a large player to be successful. How to cite Nz Fitness Industry, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Abortion When Is The Beginning Of Personhood Essay Example For Students

Abortion: When Is The Beginning Of Personhood? Essay When is the Beginning of Personhood?During the past quarter century, abortion has joined race and war as one of the most contentious subjects of controversy in the United States. It discusses human interaction where ethics, emotions, and law collaborate. Many have contemplated upon the meaning of abortion. One argument is that every child born should be wanted. The people in lieu of this theory are often referred to as Pro-choice activists. The opposing argument is that every child conceived should be born, this theory epitomized by Pro-life activists. A public consensus exists that when human personhood starts, that the law must protect person. Many religions, organizations, and individuals have fervently held conflicting beliefs about when this transpires. This naturally leads to differing policies on whether a woman should have access to abortion or not. This brings us to the scientific aspect of the controversy. The interminable question surrounding the controversy is this: When does a baby actually become a baby? A females ovum (egg) and a males sperm are both clearly alive. They are living organisms ready to be joined as one to form a baby. It is pointed out, however, that women release a few hundred eggs in a lifetime (Religious Tolerance). Almost all of these eggs are destined to die and be ejected from the body. Little thought is given to these hundreds of deaths. The same idea goes for the sperm. Hundreds of million of male sperm are liberated during a typical sexual encounteran adequate number to theoretically double the earths population in a week or two if each were used to fertilize a separate ovum (Religious Tolerance). Again, little consideration is given to these deaths. Yet, a public consensus exists that they are not yet human persons. So is that essentially when a human life begins? Or is it when the sperm and egg meet, causing the conception of the baby? It is broadly believed, generally by the pro-life activists, that this is fundamentally when a human begins to form. Among women, approximately 50% of their fertilized eggs develop into babies, which are born, more or less, nine months later. The remnants are aborted or are lost due to a miscarriage. An innate public agreement exists that an infant is the most precious form of life on earth, and needs to be protected under law. The philosophical and religious principle behind the pro-choice versus pro-life argument is when does human personhood begin? After that event occurs, termination of that life is a form of murder. Many people believe this form of murder can only be acceptable if used as a means to prevent the death of the mother, prevent extremely serious injury to the mother, or in cases of rape or incest. Approximately 14,000 women a year have abortions subsequent to rape or incest (Be Fearless). The whole controversy of abortion is based on the non-existent consensus as to when personhood in point of fact begins. There is plenty of scientific evidence detailing the processes that start with a sperm and end up with a newborn baby. Yet, some people believe although it is scientifically an actual life, a baby forming, it is still not significant enough to allow the law to make its murder unlawful. In spite of the evidence science can make available to us, it still cannot tell us whether or not the fetus has a soul, or if a zygote has a full set of human rights. Nor can it tell us whether or not an ovum or sperm are people, or when the products of conception become a person. Most importantly, science cannot tell us if abortion is murder. Most people in the pro-life faction believe that at the point of conception, a human being is formed. A just fertilized egg is a full human being and should be protected as one. Some believe this because of their religion. The views of the Catholic church strongly oppose abortion, as a violation of the sanctity of life. Nonetheless, Catholic women have abortions at the same rate as the general population (Be Fearless). They are taught through their religion that a soul enters a fertilized egg at the instant of conception. So, the cell is now a human being at that time because there is a presence of a soul. Kathy Ireland, a former pro-choice activist, explains how she became a believer of pro-life: I was once pro-choice. And the thing that changed my mind was, I read my husbands biology books, medical books and what I learned is simply what it states this isnt even morally this is pure biology. At the moment of conceptions, a life starts. And this life has its own unique set of DNA, which contains a blueprint for the whole genetic being. The sex is determined. Now people ask the question, well, is it a human being? We know theres a life because it is growing and changing. Maus EssayThere is a Virginia law that requires only the notification of one parent or guardian. It has an exception for women who have been abused by a parent or guardian. Women who can convince a judge that they are sufficiently mature to make their own decision to have an abortion, or for women who, in the opinion of a physician, risk substantial physical injury from a parent or guardian who is notified about the abortion. Scientific research has also proven abortion to lead to many psychological side effects. It leaves the woman with many strong feelings about their decision. They feel sadness, wishing things could have been different and grief for a lost life. Guilt arises because they know a fetus represents an independent life. Anger builds up towards other people having to do with their decision. Sometimes the mother may feel that she has, in fact, been abandoned. Most of all, the mother feels ashamed and embarrassed about her action. Even years after the abortion, women te nd to remember the regretful situation. They usually wonder what the baby would have looked like on its birthday. Thirty-three year old Michelle Urbain of south Florida has had five abortions so far. She realizes now that they all left emotional scars on her that are unbearable. It wasnt just a mass of cell, it was a child a was killing. (Religious Tolerance) In summary, a womens right to choose can justify abortion, but many think it should be banned because it is immoral and life begins at conception. Women have been given the right to have an abortion under the United States Constitution, but this right is still being protested by the people that fight for the unborns rights. Pro-life activists claim that it is immoral because it is simply defined as murder. Life beginning at conception is another strong point brought up by pro-life activists. Before a child is born it is given all its necessities to survive. Notice the operative word is before. Before birth the childs heart beat s, the gastric juices flow in the stomach, and all its necessary organs have been made present. This is a child that thinks, dreams, and feels pain. It is argued on the other side that women have abortions to solve her personal problems, but this is unjustified by the pro-life activists. They are seen as abandoning the abortion because it weakens their great strengths: creation, compassion, and the ability to look beneath the surface and appearance of things. It is hoped by many that the abortion issue will soon reverse, and people will see the rights of the unborn as greater importance than that of a personal right. Works CitedReligious Tolerance. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. 2000. 25 Sept. 2000 http:// www.religioustolerance.org/welcome.htm#new. CNS News Online. Poll shows many Americans conflicted over abortion. 19 June 2000. 24 Sept. 2000 http://www.mcjonline.com/news/00/20000619c.htm. Jussim, Daniel. Medical Ethics: Moral and Legal Conflicts in Health Care. New York:Julian Messner, 1991. Mabie, Margot C.J. Bioethics and the New Medical Technology. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993. Tribe, Laurence H. Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes. London: W.W. Norton Company, 1990.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Bilingual Education Essays - Multilingualism, Linguistic Rights

Bilingual Education Essays - Multilingualism, Linguistic Rights Bilingual Education Bilingual Education Imagine being brought up in a family speaking only one language for your entire life and then you had to move to a foreign land where the language is different. If you had a choice of progressively learning this new language over the course of six to nine years or being put into a classroom and have to virtually teach yourself the language by listening to others around you, which would you choose? Late exit bilingual education is a more effective form of bilingual education compared to the English immersion form of bilingual education in the fact that there are more benefits and less adverse effects. There are many reasons why late exit bilingual education should be the choice of public schools everywhere with high minority populations. One of the effects of late exit bilingual education is that the students would be able to maintain their cultural background instead of having to give up one or the other. Language is a big part of a personfs culture. Late exit bilingual education giv es the non-English speaking students more time to master the English language, which is not an easy language to learn in three years as the English immersion strategy teaches. The findings of the Ramirez team in 1991 evaluating the effectiveness of English immersion, early exit bilingual education, and late exit bilingual education further prove why late exit bilingual education is the one that needs to be used. To look at why keeping onefs culture is important one just needs to look at how and why this country was founded. The first Americans from England came here so they wouldnft have to conform to everything the rulers of England wanted. Immigrants founded this country. One of the greatest things about the United States is that there are so many different types of cultures everywhere you look. It is true that one needs to learn the English language to be successful, but forcing one to give up his or her cultural background is going against everything this country stands for. English immersion does just that by forcing the student to give up his or her cultural background and language (Faltis 191). Late exit bilingual education allows the child to progress effectively through the educational system with the instruction given in English to the extent to make this possible (Schneider, 1976, p. 128.). To throw a student into a classroom that speaks a language that is not familiar to them and forcing them to adjust in three years like English immersion does is not fair to the student. A sink or swim technique is not very beneficial and can cause more harms than good. The English language takes longer than that to gain mastery in even for people who have a firm English base to start from. The expected time to master the English language is anywhere from four to nine years for the average person (Collier, 1992). Time is needed for development, which is just not offered with English immersion. I was in a class with three Hispanic immigrants while I was in high school. They knew no English and were forced to adapt to the all-English environment through English immersion. As expected by the observers of these students, the immigrant students passed the class with D-es only because the teacher felt it was the best thing for them. We need to realize that these non-English speaking students and other like them who go through the English immersion program will graduate from high school by the mercy of teachers and will not be prepared to be successful in the so-called ereal worldf. This leads me to statistics that further the notion that late exit bilingual education is more effective than English immersion. These results were published in the Ramirez report. The Ramirez report contains some very important evidence that suggests late exit bilingual education is the more beneficial program to use. By looking at the report it is clear that even teachers of the English immersion strategy believe that many of the students in their classes would be better off if they remained in the program for more than the three years that it takes now. The report has evidence that

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Conjugate Prêter (to Loan) in French

How to Conjugate Prà ªter (to Loan) in French The French verb  prà ªter  means to loan. When you want to change it to loaned or will loan, a verb conjugation is required. The good news is that this is a regular verb, so conjugating it is relatively easy compared to others. A quick lesson will introduce you to the essential forms of  prà ªter  youll need. The Basic Conjugations of  Prà ªter Prà ªter is a regular -er verb, so it falls into the largest category of verbs found in the French language. If youve already committed words like rester (to remain) or utiliser (to use) to memory, you can apply the same rules to this verb. With any conjugation, start by finding the verb stem (or radical). For  prà ªter, this is  prà ªt-. To this, a variety of endings are added to match both the tense of the sentence as well as the subject pronoun. For example, in the indicative mood,  je prà ªte  means I am loaning and  nous prà ªtions  means we loaned. Present Future Imperfect je prte prterai prtais tu prtes prteras prtais il prte prtera prtait nous prtons prterons prtions vous prtez prterez prtiez ils prtent prteront prtaient The Present Participle of  Prà ªter The  present participle  is easy to form as well. An -ant  ending is added to the stem of  prà ªter  to create the word  prà ªtant. Prà ªter  in the Compound Past Tense For the past tense, you can use the imperfect or the  passà © composà ©. The latter is a compound and requires you to use the  past participle  prà ªtà ©. First, however, you must conjugate the auxiliary verb  avoir  into the present tense. Its actually quite easy. I loaned is  jai prà ªtà ©Ã‚  and we loaned is  nous avons prà ªtà ©. More Simple Conjugations of  Prà ªter The forms of  prà ªter  above should be your top priority, but there may be times when youll need to use the verb in more subjective terms. For instance,  the subjunctive  calls the act of loaning into question while  the conditional  implies that its dependent on something else. The passà © simple  and  the imperfect subjunctive  are used less frequently. Youll likely only encounter them in formal French writing as they are both literary tenses. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je prte prterais prtai prtasse tu prtes prterais prtas prtasses il prte prterait prta prtt nous prtions prterions prtmes prtassions vous prtiez prteriez prttes prtassiez ils prtent prteraient prtrent prtassent The French imperative  may not be as useful for a word like  prà ªter, but its good to know anyway. The important rule here is that you dont need the subject pronoun: use  prà ªte  rather than  tu prà ªte. Imperative (tu) prte (nous) prtons (vous) prtez

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critical Analysis of a Project Business Case Essay

Critical Analysis of a Project Business Case - Essay Example A business case is used to present the strategies and evaluate the alternatives associated with the project plan. To critically analyze the business case regarding the proposal of Affordable Housing for Essential Workers in Port Hedland town in Western Australia, the business case can be looked into with an aim of reflecting on the goals and objectives of the business case as proposed, the valid opportunities and scopes that the case effectively addresses, evaluate the costs and benefits as proposed in the business case and identify the various economic, legal and non- economic benefits as well as the strategies and risks involved in the business case report. Also the business case should be analyzed critically to understand the level of alignment that it has with the vision and objectives of the organization undertaking the project. The rationale for developing the business plan and the risk factors and benefits of implementing the alternatives should also be critically evaluated. B ackground Port Hedland is located in Western Australia on the coastal region of Pilbara region. Due to the presence of a natural harbour, the area has developed as a service centre hub for many industries like gold mining and pearling. In 1960, large iron ore deposits were discovered in Pilbara which drove major changes in the townscape with developments in the construction of railway lines, harbours, accommodation and other facilities for the increase number of mining workers and their families moving into the town. Since then, Port Hedland saw major investments towards resource projects which established Port Hedland as a prominent administration and service hub. In the current scenario, Port Hedland has a huge service population constituting of more than 20,000 full time workers and around 3000 hour based workers. This is referred to in Appendix 1. The accommodation of the rapidly expanding work population has become a major challenge for the town (Government of Western Australia , 2012). The Western Australian Government has become much focused towards improving the living standards and qualities in port Hedland and turning the city into a modern and diverse city with several facilities, infrastructure and services being provided for the population in Port Hedland. The Analysis The greatest challenges for the government of Port Hedland are to develop sufficient infrastructure, land and housing to match the accelerated and unpredictable growth in the population and service workers number (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008). The business plan for Affordable Housing for Essential Workers in Port Hedland town can be analyzed to be in alignment with the current developments in the town area. The region is experiencing huge demand from the resource boom and has to particularly focus on the land and infrastructure projects to match up with the current and the future growth trends in the town. There are extensive plans made for Port Hedland city growth plan to offset the complex development, infrastructure and planning constraints. The business case under study is streamlined with the requirement of more developed infrastructure, housing facilities and other amenities to make the economy more diversified. The economic outlook in the town of Port Hedland looks perfect for new business investments particularly in the housing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

LEAN MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

LEAN MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Major businesses employ customer contact center concepts since these solutions provide businesses with flexible and strong infrastructure to interact with their customers and effectively manage ongoing projects (Schultz 2003). Based on these feedbacks, improvements in products and business strategies, development of new products, increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty, and exploration of new markets is sought to devise swift response to global competitive markets. In the recent past, number of companies has invested considerably in managing and maintaining contact center to get a competitive advantage by analyzing customer experience and company performance; however, due to recent economic downturn companies are finding it difficult to manage the contact centers due to increased operating expenses. As lean principle has effectively been applied in manufacturing sector, in a similar way this concept is equally well applicable to service industry. In doing so, Hines et al. (2004) cautioned that organizations may miss strategic aspect of value creation while focusing merely on cost reduction and lean tools while applying lean principles. To reduce the operating costs associated with contact centers, lean management approach would help in creating a greater value demand while reducing the failure demand (Marr and Parry 2004). IT businesses recognize that customers lean to support companies providing better services within a given price range. In this report, company realized that its competitive position in the market is no longer secured. Therefore, a shift to lean management was attempted to reduce wastes and costs and increase revenue. This report is an attempt to study significance of adopting and applying lean management concepts to Contact Center Industry using academic rigor while focusing on Averatec Contact Center and how it can effectively be applied to achieve zero defects with increased customer satisfaction. Averatec, established in 1984, is a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Gee Response Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gee Response Question - Assignment Example The second woman expresses the wrong values in the interview although her grammar is good. Glee emphasizes that communication is more than language use whereby when using language people must write or say the right thing in the right way while at the same time playing the right social role. Discourses are acquired through apprenticeship or by enculturation into social practices through supported interaction and being around people who have discourse. An example, of conflict in discourse is in the values and attitudes, as well as, interaction of people depending on how they acquired their discourse (Gee 7). Primary discourse is the first discourse people use to make sense of the world and interact with others. The distinction between dominant Discourse and non-dominant Discourse is that dominant Discourse allows people to acquire material things while non-dominant Discourse allows people to have a wider social network. â€Å"mushfake† Discourse as defined by Mark is doing something less when in actual sense the real thing is not available (Gee 13). For example, when prisoners make hats out of underwear to protect their hair from lice. â€Å"Mushfake† Discourse, on the other hand, means partially acquiring meta-knowledge and strategies to make do. For example, editing a memo to ensure there are no errors such as possessive, plurals or third persons

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Organization Theory For General Motors

Organization Theory For General Motors Organization theory is a sociology branch that focuses on the structure, systems and processes within an organization. Organization theory is thus applied by firms and states the activities and goals of that firm. General Motors Company was established in 1908 in Michigan by William Durant. By then it was a parent company for Buick. Later that year, it acquired two motor track companies i.e. the Reliance motor company which was based in Owosso, Michigan and Pontiacs Rapid motor company. However, General Motors Company came to be the market leader in Motor industry in the early 1980s.It started with employing 349,000 employees and had 150 assembly plants. Currently, General Motors produce tracks and cars in over 34 countries worldwide. It sells the vehicles through such brands as Cadillac, Buick, GMS, Chevrolet, Holden, GM Daewoo, Wuling and Vauxhall. The United States is the largest national market for General Motors. Other markets include the China, England, Germany.Russia, Canada and Brazil. Daewoo Auto and Technology Company of South Korea is the main shareholder of General Motors. It has power training and purchasing collaborations with Isuzu motors Ltd and Suzuki Motor corp of Japan. The genuine General Motors accessories and parts are normally sold under GM Goodwrench, GM performance, ACDelco brands and GM brands with the assistance of parts operations and GM service. The GM transmissions and engines are sold via GM power train (Frederick, 1995). General Motors Organizational Structure With regards to its organizational structure, General Motors have transformed form a traditional model to a modern one. The change in the organizational model has had an impact as far as the customers and the local communities of General Motors are concerned. The traditional General Motors Organizational model consisted of a hierarchy with executive or the president on top, then senior managers or vice presidents. Followed by managers and finally the employees. The jobs were usually grouped into departments. The General motors were composed of various independent automakers and each automaker operated differently and competed with each other. The transformation of the organization model saw General motors unified and centralized whereby several individuals work towards achieving a common goal. The corporation is now run in a streamlined manner and the several departments have been abolished (The University of Virginia, 1993). Multinational Company With operations in 34 countries all over the globe, General Motors is a multinational company. Multinational companies refer to those organizations which have operations in many countries. The ability of the General motors to operate in many countries is enhanced by globalization. This entails an ongoing process through which societies, regional economies and culture become integrated as a result of execution and globe network communications. This is usually driven through the combination of technological, political, economic and biological factors. Organization design Managers at General Motors have encompassed the application of the organization design. They have created processes, roles and reporting relationships in order to match the organizations form very closely. It is through the organization design that the company is able to improve probability that members collective efforts will be successful. The General Motors Company have been designed in a beauracratic manner whereby responsibility and authority have been arranged hierachically.This has enabled specialization and grouping of people who performs similar or related tasks in clusters. The bureaucracy in the General Motors have enhanced logic, rationally and most important, the efficiency. It has also had some demerits as far as rigidity and inflexibility are concerned e.g. slow decision making process e.t.c. (Salmon, 1989). Divisional Structure The General Motors Company uses divisional structure. Each organizational function is grouped into divisions. A division which is within the divisional structure usually has all the necessary information and resources within it. The General Motors can thus make a distinction based on geographical aspects e.g. the Russian division and the United Kingdom division and also on its products such as SUVs and another one for subcompact cars with each division having its own engineering, sales and marketing departments. This organizational structure have its own demerits which includes difficulty in product integration i.e. each GM divisional manager concentrates on delivering his or her products and fails to focus on integration and also the employees usually feel a bit affiliated towards their department only and they lacks sense of being a part of the organization. Divisional structure also inhibits the career growth of specialists as technical people may feel alienated from their colleag ues in other divisions and also may lack some exposure to major developments taking place in the organization (Cook, Woollacott, 1995). Organizational Culture The strategic leaders in the General Motors should are vested with the responsibility of creating the organizational characteristics that encourage and reward collective effort. The organizational culture is the most fundamental characteristic as it enables the organization to cope well with its environment. For General Motors to survive individuals must be integrated into a whole and also the organization must adapt effectively to the environment in which it is operating (Lung, 2003). GM External environment General Moors just like many other organizations does not operate in a vacuum. The organization has to be conscious about what happens outside its factory and office walls. These factors that occur outside the business boundaries are known as the external environment. They usually influence the organizations main functions, objectives and strategies. The main factors include the competition i.e. the extent to which other firms competes with the General Motors automobiles. The main competitors of the General Motors ifs the Ford Company. Ford was established in the 1920s by Henry Ford. It has been struggling to overtake General Motors Company using such strategies as lowering prices. Despite these, General Motors have been the market leader due to its variety and good management. To effectively deal with the competition threat from Ford and other automobile makers such as Toyota, the management should aim at improving the quality of the products so as to add the value to their customer s. The company also needs not to flounder in the accounting practices such as derivatives and pensions which have brought huge costs in the General Motors. To improve its management, the General Motors Company has been reshuffling its executives over the years (Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, 1994). The other factors that affect the General motors are; social i.e. how the consumer and communities at large behave with reference to the companys products. The other external factor is legal i.e. the manner in which the legislation affects the organization e.g. the change of the laws regarding employees working hours. Economic is the other external factor which affects an organization. This relates to such issues as taxation, interest rates, government spending, global economical factors and general demand. The other external factor that affects the business is the technology. For instance, the General Motors have to move with the current trends in the motor industry as far as its production processes and product innovation are concerned. Others are ethics i.e. the morality aspect of doing a business (Bordenave, 2003). The Stakeholders approach The General Motors should adopt the stakeholders approach in which case all its stakeholders will be able to know well how the business is being operated. Stakeholders are those people that have an interest in an organization and are affected by the companys omission or commission of its duties. The managers are required to decide on which views from the stakeholders are necessary to listen. The General Motors Company is currently undergoing through some significant transformations as it strives to become more competitive and so there could be several key things that the company could be involved with without the know-how of the companys management. In an aim of maintaining its competitive status, it is important to enquire from some of its more insightful people who may be experts in the industry about the things that should be done by the GM management so as to make the organization healthier, stronger and a more competitive one. To achieve this, the managers can adopt stakeholders approach which believes that the managers in any organization should consider the views from all the companys stakeholders and not relying only on the owners views. This inturn enables the stakeholders to have active interest as far as the business welfare is concerned. Some of the stakeholder approach and the potential benefits that can be achieved by business include offering the customers excellent after sale services and also good value products so as to create customer loyalty, social corporate responsibilities such as providing the locals with sports facilities so s to create good relations with them which may inturn help to increase sales.Also,a company should provide the workforce with good wages so that the employees can feel motivated and perform their duties enthusiastically and effectively( Rothstein,2005). To stay healthier and stronger, the General Motors needs to keep away from its historical tendencies of being in its comfort zone and regarding itself as the greatest. It should focus on achieving and sustained the momentum so as to bring change and improvements.It needs to borrow a leaf from Toyota which is away ahead of GM (Coetzee, 2001). The General Motors needs to innovate and be ahead of regulation i.e. it should take the opportunity and re-establish itself as a leader in Enviromental technology and avoid being regarded as resistant towards progress on emissions and fuel efficiency. This will enable the company to overtake Honda and Toyota which is deemed as leaders as far as this area is concerned (Greenberg Baron, 1995).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sex and Desire Essay -- Literary Analysis

Sex and desire. Few words evoke such complexity of meaning. For some, it is a sexual act. Whereas one might describe it as the sensual pleasure of two bodies fused into one being, another may define it as the fulfillment of animalistic desire, an unleashing of the beast, if you will. But, beyond an act charged with various meaning, it can also serve as an identity–heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or transsexual. Whether act or identity, societal dictates define the norm and the deviant. Because of this, the artist who departs from the "acceptable" and embraces the "aberrant," arouses the consciousness of self and society. In doing so, sex and desire become a vehicle, a means of communication between artist and audience, and an object that demands our attention. Whether it is the subtle and sensual language of Anaà ¯s Nin in The Diary of Anaà ¯s Nin (1966), the coarse and explicit vocabulary of Henry Miller in Tropic of Cancer (1934), or the poetic and surrealistic prose o f Djuna Barnes in Nightwood (1934), sex and desire, as a vehicle in the literature of these authors, exposes the chaos and confusion within their world and suggests the establishment of a new order for self and society. Written between 1931 and 1934, The Diary of Anaà ¯s Nin chronicles one artist’s psychological journey. Deserted by her father as a young girl, Anaà ¯s experiences an â€Å"initial shock† that leaves her â€Å"like a shattered mirror† (103). The shards of glass, each developing a life of their own, come to be the â€Å"several selves† of Anaà ¯s (103). Through the pages of The Diary, reflecting upon and dissecting these various selves, she concludes, â€Å"one does not need to remain in bondage to the first wax imprint made on childhood sensibilities. One need not be brande... ...thly father, a man she worshipped from her youth. This is further supported by a reference to the child as a â€Å"fragment of the past† (341). Finally, while giving birth she remarks, â€Å"These legs I opened to joy, this honey that flowed out in the joy–now these legs are twisted in pain and the honey flows with the blood† (344, emphasis added). All things considered, it seems reasonable to conclude the child was a result of incestuous union. Nevertheless, from the chaos and confusion, emerges the â€Å"birth† of the â€Å"real† Anaà ¯s and while she â€Å"may not become a saint† she is â€Å"very full and very rich† (360). Works Cited Barnes, Djuna. Nightwood. New York: New Directions Books, 2006. Print. Miller, Henry. Tropic of Cancer. New York: Grove Press, 1961. Print. Nin, Anaà ¯s. The Diary of Anaà ¯s Nin: Volume One 1931-1934. San Diego: Swallow Press and Harcourt, 1966. Print.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Newspaper as a Reliable Source of News and Information

NEWSPAPER AS A RELIABLE SOURCE OF NEWS AND INFORMATION: The newspapers most notable contribution as a mass communication medium has been as a purveyor of information. Many people doubted if newspapers could fight off the challenge posed by radio and television – both being immediate and more entertaining, but they have fought this challenge and have survived and are going strong due to the following reasons: 1. Newspapers offer detailed accounts which is not possible with radio and television. 2. The printed word carries a lot of credibility than the spoken words of radio and tv. . Also while one has to wait for news bulletins on radio and tv, one can read it anytime he wants. Here time is not a constraint. A newspaper's coverage of meetings and events, investigative journalism that uncovers important issues and strong opinion pieces that offer points of view and courses of action are often the starting point of discussion within a community. As recorders of activities large a nd small within the community, as the community's watchdog and often spokesperson, a newspaper plays a crucial role in day-to-day life in every city, town and community in the country.As a keeper of the stories of a community, the newspaper is there at the start, and the finish, and remains the only effective instrument for such record-keeping. As they begin their search for an important household item, consumers usually turn to the pages of the newspaper to study advertisements and promotions placed by local merchants. When planning trips, readers turn to the newspaper for information about possible destinations, accommodations and other travel information. When looking for a new home or attempting to sell their present house, people find the pages of the newspaper the best place to start.The classified section of any newspaper is the first source for people looking for employment. For some people, their first field trip in school is a visit to the newspaper, and for information fo r a school project on current events, their first stop is the newspaper or, now, the newspaper's site on the World Wide Web. Many people develop a lifelong love of reading by picking up a newspaper each day to find out about the important news, follow the progress of their favorite teams, check out the views of a top columnist or to read their favorite comics.The habit of reading the newspaper is an important step in building literacy skills, as well a keeping a person well-informed on the issues of the day. A good newspaper offers something for everyone, whether it is coverage of an election race, reports from council and school board meetings, display or classified advertising, and opinion writing that educates and excites the reader. Thus newspapers are your source of reliable information in a world overloaded with the unreliable.

Friday, November 8, 2019

10 Ways To Create Immediate Character Empathy

10 Ways To Create Immediate Character Empathy 10 Ways To Create Immediate Character Empathy Need fast, practical help getting readers to care about your main character? Enjoy this blog by my friend and colleague, an award-winning, bestselling novelist. JJ Guest post by Brandilyn Collins Regardless of genre, novelists must create empathy for protagonists at their first appearance. Mere actionisn’t enough! The most interesting plot won’t matter to readers if they don’t care about your main character. Here’s how to make that happen. Most of these work best when combined with at least one other. Your character must be: Need help writing your novel?Click here to download my ultimate 12-step guide. 1. Displaying a valued trait such as loyalty, love, or courage. Especially important if the protagonist soon makes a bad choice. It’s far easier to create empathy for a character right away than to erase negativity. So before he makes any negative choice, show your protagonist help a child, tend a sick person, stand up for a friend†¦ 2. Particularly good at something. People enjoy watching real talent. This approach involves details. Don’t merely tell us a hunter is efficient with a gun. Show him treating the weapon lovingly, oiling it, practicing with it. Besides a keen eye, maybe he smells prey before seeing it. 3. Treated unjustly. This approach can work on its own, although other techniques can enhance it. It’s human nature to feel bad for someone who meets injustice. 4. Wishing for something universally understood. This includes love, acceptance, purpose. Such desires help soften characters- even those who first come across as selfish or uncaring. So this is a great approach to characters harder to like. 5. Thrust into danger. Anything from facing a storm to a bad guy with a gun. But because we’ve read so many danger-filled scenes, use at least one other technique to make us care about the character. 6. Thrust into grief. The challenge here is that readers don’t yet know the character well enough to feel her pain. But resist the temptation to load in a bunch of backstory to enhance the grief. It’ll slow your story. Find ways to incorporate other empathy approaches within the action. 7. Caring for others, especially at a cost to oneself. Known as a pet-the-dog scene, the Bad Guy shows his tender side: kill the human, kiss the hound. Two points to remember when using this technique: (A) Overdone, the scene can become syrupy. (B) The caring needs to be unassuming. A true caregiver doesn’t stop to think how kind he’s being. 8. Unique, attention-getting. Your character may do off-the-wall things, may look different or think in unique ways, may have an unusual first-person voice. The possibilities are many. This approach needs to be mixed with at least one other. A character can act in all sorts of unusual ways to make you look twice. That doesn’t mean you’ll like him enough to keep reading. 9. Attempting to overcome a fear or make a change. Readers identify with this. We don’t like facing our fears or change. But two challenges: (A) Present the problem clearly enough that readers understand what’s must be overcome and why it’s so hard for the character- without loading in backstory. (B) Sometimes this is more of an internal battle. The character may be deciding whether to walk out on a relationship, or he may have conflicting desires. To make an inner struggle compelling in the opening scene, put it in the context of action. 10. Facing an inner struggle. Differs from #9 in that the character isn’t trying to make a change. She doesn’t know how to handle a burden- guilt, depression, bitterness, jealousy, hate Sometimes the character doesn’t even know she’s burdened. She may be in bondage due to intense bitterness but not realize it. In this case, give the reader just enough information to understand more about the character than the character understands about herself. Just remember that you want the reader to like your character, not think she’s an idiot. Again, it helps to mix in other approaches. Exercise Read the opening scenes to at least five novels you’ve enjoyed. Which techniques were used, and how were they combined? Then read your novel’s first scene. Will readers empathize with your protagonist by the end of it? See how others- who’ll be honest with you- react. Brandilyn Collins (www.brandilyncollins.com) is a best-selling author of 30 books. She isknown for her Seatbelt Suspense ®- fast-paced, character-driven novels with myriad twists and a thread of faith. Brandilyn teaches fiction-writing techniques in her book Getting Into Character. She has won numerous writing awards and is a frequent speaker at writers conferences. Brandilyn and her husband have three grown children and live in the Pacific Northwest. Which of her techniques above will help your work-in-progress? Tell me in the Comments below. Need help writing your novel?Click here to download my ultimate 12-step guide.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Aristotles Theory of Morality

Aristotles Theory of Morality Free Online Research Papers Aristotle (384 BC – March 7, 322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher, who studied with Plato and taught Alexander the Great. Aristotle believed the task of ethics was to find the highest and best good in human life. All human activities aim at some higher end that we consider good. For example, we study to get good grades, then to be posted to a university, and so on. Most activities are a means to a higher end. The highest human good, then, is that activity that is an end in itself, which Aristotle believes is happiness. Not simply pleasure or any kinds of subjective state, for these are all temporary. When we aim at happiness, we do so for its own sake, not because happiness helps us realize some other end. The happiness Aristotle envisions is a human being â€Å"living well† and â€Å"flourishing†, which carries connotations of success and fulfillment. Happiness depends on living in accordance with appropriate virtues. Virtue is a disposition rather than an activity. That is, a virtuous person is naturally disposed to behave in the right ways for the right reasons, and to feel pleasure in behaving rightly. Once someone has a virtuous moral character, he will naturally be disposed to do the right things, thus making virtuous and morally correct actions. To Aristotle, ethics is not a list of dos and don’ts, nor is it merely a matter of fulfilling your duty (Kantian), not is it merely achieving the best consequences possible with your actions (the utilitarians). Aristotle believed virtue was a mean state between the vices of excess and deficiency, in the case of any particular passion or emotion. For example, the virtuous mean of courage stands between the vices of rashness and cowardice, which represent excess and deficiency respectively. Aristotle lists the following as moral virtues: courage, temperance (moderation), liberality (moderation in giving and taking money), magnificence (correctly dealing with great wealth or power), pride (claiming what is due to you), gentleness (moderation with respect to anger), agreeableness, truthfulness, wittiness and justice.1 However not every action or passion has a mean, as some are wrong no matter what the situation, such as theft, murder, arson. It is not possible to be right with regard to these actions, one must always be wrong. The Aristotelian ethics is advantageous in the sense that they are generally easy to apply, and are more accurate in reality. For example, being virtuous is the most important goal of a human being’s life. Also, it is easy to follow the theory of ‘vices of excess and deficiency’ and apply it in real life. Aristotle assumes the ability of the virtuous person to recognize the best course of action, and a person’s pursuit of eudaimonia (happiness), rightly conceived, will result in virtuous conduct. However, there are some weaknesses in the theory. Aristotle states that living according to virtues is often not enough to guarantee a happy life. Another prerequisite (in addition to virtuous behaviour) is good fortune which brings one the goods necessary, but not sufficient, for a happy life. Another prerequisite for a happy life is health, which is also desired for its own sake. For Aristotle even the most virtuous of men can be denied happiness through the whims of fortune. As a consequence, one cannot be sure of achieving happiness until one’s life is fully played out. It can also be inferred that living a good life does not only require behaving virtuously, but also requires some strokes of good fortune or even luck. This can be perceived to be a weakness, or inconsistency in the theory, as Aristotle firmly advocates that virtue alone brings happiness. However he also acknowledges the weakness in the theory. I feel that his theory on ethics is one of the best ones we can follow as it is thorough in almost all aspects, and also strives for the best good for the human being (achieving eudaimonia). The ‘Golden Mean’ Theory is also highly accurate in real life, albeit the few exceptions which are always wrong (e.g. theft). It is a highly efficient guide to pursuing the best moral character possible. Sources: 1 â€Å"Aristotle lists the following as moral virtues: courage, temperance (moderation), liberality (moderation in giving and taking money), magnificence (correctly dealing with great wealth or power), pride (claiming what is due to you), gentleness (moderation with respect to anger), agreeableness, truthfulness, wittiness and justice.† Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicomachean_Ethics Research Papers on Aristotle’s Theory of MoralityComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoCapital PunishmentArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Effects of Television Violence on ChildrenHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andLifes What IfsAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe

Monday, November 4, 2019

Creative Designs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Creative Designs - Essay Example Book resources for meeting. The ability to communicate internally and externally, reply, forward, find and store electronic communications To organize meetings, check availability of key attendees and invite them. To accept invitations to meetings. The ability to communicate internally and externally, reply, forward, find and store electronic communications. To organize meetings, check availability of key attendees and invite them. To accept invitations to meetings. The ability to communicate internally and externally, reply, forward, find and store electronic communications. To organize meetings, check availability of key attendees and invite them. To accept invitations to meetings. The ability to communicate internally and externally, reply, forward, find and store electronic communications. To organize meetings, check availability of key attendees and invite them. To accept invitations to meetings. 3. The table below compares the three short-listed office automation applications and compares them against identified criteria. KEY TO FUNCTIONALITY: A - WORD PROCESSING B - SPREADSHEETS C - PRESENTATIONS D - DATABASE E - E-MAIL Mary Thomas - Office Secretary Job Function Lotus Notes v 7.0 MS Office WordPerfect FUNCTIONALITY A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E Document preparation x x x Record incoming calls x x x x x x Email x x x TOTAL: 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 Jim Parker - Sales Person Job Function Lotus Notes v 7.0 MS Office 2007 SBE WordPerfect FUNCTIONALITY A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E Presentations x x Maintain presentation diary x x x x x x Email x x x TOTAL: 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 2 Howard Rice - Bookkeeper/Database... Since the organization has not yet decided which applications it wishes to use for generic things such as client relationship management and diary management, I have indicated that they could use either a spreadsheet, database, electronic diary manager built into the email function, or in some cases a simple list in a Word Processed document. MS Office has all the functionality they require, but one must first establish what applications they had used before, and focus on similarity to graphical user interface, ease of use and the amount of intuitive automation available. The next step would be backward compatibility with the applications currently in use - data conversion or data entry simply adds to the scope of the project and the costs. I would then look at licensing costs for 5 users and support options available to assist them as they configure the software to suit their working practices. Ultimately I would be concerned with scalability and longevity of the workgroup application chosen. For example, whilst MS Office is not to everyone's taste it is compatible with most software and operating systems, with a strong user base and relatively small learning curve because the user interface is very similar between the various applications.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Global Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Strategy - Essay Example These are ownership, location and internalization. Ownership is analogous to Porter's competitive advantages and is concerned with ownership of "such things as proprietary technology, superior marketing skills, economies of scale in production, superior management skills, and other firm-specific capabilities". Location is ability of a company to use location advantages in reducing manufacturing costs. Finally internalisation deals with whether activities are performed in the company or outside the company. This case study done by Liu, H. and Li, K. (2002) discusses Haier, a leading Chinese company specialising in home electronics. This company in its short time has grown from a small enterprise employing 600 people to its present status as a leading multinational enterprise (MNE) which is in the Fortune 500. Haier's path to internationalisation has been unique and highly effective. According to Liu, H. and Li, K. (2002) the analysis of its internationalisation strategy can be viewed in terms of the environment - strategy - performance framework. The environment being classified into two classes of positive factors collectively referred to as the impetus and the negative factors collectively referred to as constraints. The end of the cold war which came as a result of collapse of communism in Europe created an international environment with reduced polarisation. At the same time China was liberalising and opening its market in the 1990s. China has had the longest sustained economic growth since the 1980s. The annual average growth rate has been more than 8% for more than 20 years. Haier's history of growth started in 1984 with the appointment of current CEO Zhang Rulmin. At that time China's economy was drastically changing. Competition among the domestic producers of home appliances was hotting up. Liberalisation of the economy brought foreign players to compete in an already saturating market. The admittance of China into the World trade Organisation (WTO) in 2001 opened the floodgates. Many companies from developed countries were rushing to enter the Chinese market. Not willing to compete using a price war Haier was forced to look outside China for further growth in its business. The external constraints on Haier in its internationalisation strategy were lack of financial resources. The company was under-equipped and under-financed. For the company to expand it had to develop innovative strategies for financing its overseas expansion. The Government was supportive of Haier and allowed them to form a bank and use it as a vehicle of financing its own expansion abroad. The Japanese firms which internationalised followed two generic paths as shown in the diagram below. Figure 1 Internationalization paths for Japanese Companies, Liu, H. and Li, K. (2002) The Type I path was popular as it allowed the company to use the ventures in developing countries to acquire skills for international operation. These skills are used to enter developed countries. This strategy also favors a low cost strategy where the lower costs of manufacturing in developing countries are used to service the market in developed countries. The Type II strategy which starts with entrance into developed markets and then expansion into

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Influenza Vaccine During Pregnancy Research Paper

Influenza Vaccine During Pregnancy - Research Paper Example after the first dose, whereas previously unvaccinated children below 9 years were recommended with two doses of vaccine, the priming dose as well as the booster dose. The adverse reaction observed in these individuals involves soreness, fever, malaise and Guillian- Barre Syndrome (GBS) (1/100,000) recipients, other adverse drug reports encompass nasal congestion, headache, myalgias or fever (Stinhoff et al, 2012). Pregnancy is a condition that affects immune system to a greater extent as a result woman becomes prone to the health hazards caused by the flu or other complicated condition such as pneumonia or respiratory distress. Further, these conditions may culminate into premature labor or delivery of a preterm baby. Prevention of flu is therefore highly imperative. Vaccination as a preventive measure is a way to protect the fetus, infant stage. Childhood flu vaccines can be provided at or after 6 months of age. However, vaccination during the pregnancy results in the formation of a ntibodies which are passed on to the developing fetus and hence a passive protection or immunity is provided to the fetus. This flu vaccine is prepared from the inactivated virus while the nasal spray is prepared from the live virus which is contraindicated during pregnancy (Ayoub & Yazbak, 2006). Symptoms of Influenza Symptoms of influenza involve fever, myalgia, malaise, headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat, rhinitis etc. Such conditions could be assessed by performing viral culture and testing for the presence of viral antigen. Influenza virus possesses airborne transmission and person to person contact. The virus possesses an incubation period of two days and there is an abrupt onset of these symptoms. Observations reveal that influenza is accompanied by the complications like... Influenza spreads potentially in the community and is capable of causing spread and intensity of illness of the patient. The virus is capable of changing its antigenic forms from 1918 to 2009. Human is the indirect host and is known that pig serves as a host for human as well as avian species. Its transmission is through droplet nuclei as well as body discharges. The virus invades the respiratory epithelium after the incubation duration of 1-7 days. A damage to epithelium we followed by the immune response. Characters displayed by the patients encompass fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting followed by hospitalization. Vaccination against the devastating disease influenza is highly essential to prevent the development of complications, especially pneumonia in children. During pregnancy the immunity provided to the developing fetus is passive, it can prevent the fetus from influenza. Reports of teratogenic as well as carcinogenic implications of the condition have been observe d. Although with research studies the success rate has augmented still a lot of controversies regarding the influenza vaccine are gaining prevalence. On one hand, the reports highlight the positive consequences of the influenza vaccine in preventing the disease condition while on the other hand there are reported the incidence to display the teratogenic as well as the carcinogenic impact of the influenza vaccine. Dreaded diseases like pH1N1 could be combated due to the administration of pH1N1 vaccination.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


ROAD TO AMIRS REDEMPTION Essay ROAD TO AMIRS REDEMPTION In a lifetime, everyone will face personal battles and guilt, some large and some small. Such as guilt over sneaking out, not doing homework, or telling your parents a little white lie. People find peace of mind through redeeming themselves, in other words, we do something that makes up for the cause of guilt. Khaled Hosseinis novel The Kite Runner revolves around betrayal and redemption. Redemption is the act of saying or being saved from sin, error or evil, which the main character Amir seems to need the most. Amir lives with the guilt he has built up over the years because of one incident from his childhood. Amirs fathers words still echo through his head A boy who wont stand up for himself becomes a man who cant stand up to anything. –pg. 24 Although Amir destroyed the lives of many people, and he has had more than one opportunity to redeem himself of his guilt, he is not the selfish little boy he once was. How often does one stop and think, How will this affect everyone else in my life? Amir had a chance in the alley, to put Hassan first and change the path of both their lives, but he made the decision to turn around and run because it was what he thought was best for him: I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan – the way hed stood up for me all those times in the past – and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran. I ran because I was a coward. I was afraid of Assef and what he would do to me. I was afraid of getting hurt. Thats what I told myself as I turned my back to the alley, to Hassan. Thats what I made myself believe. I actually aspired to cowardice, because the alternative, the real reason I was running, was that Assef was right: Nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba. –pg.77 Amirs selfish ways were a result of the lack of his fathers affection in his life. As a young boy, he was forced to deal with his fathers disinterest in him, which made him incredibly jealous of Hassan. Amir could not understand at the time, why his father adored his servants son more  than his own son. As the tension increases between Amir and Hassan, Amir can no longer stand to see Hassan everyday because of what Amir had not stopped and he could not bare seeing his father showing Hassan love and not him. Hassan and his father are forced to leave their home after Amir places his watch under Hassans pillow and accuses him of stealing it. Hassan did not even deny the accusations because he had figured out what Amir was doing. Hassan knew. He knew I had betrayed him and yet he was rescuing me once again, maybe for the last time. –pg.111 Even after the alleged theft of the watch, Amirs father is willing to forgive Hassan, which stunned Amir, and made him see that the love his father has for Hassan is greater than he imagined. Amir did not just ruin Hassans life; he also ruined the lives of many people with his decisions after the incident in the alley. Baba lost a chance to watch his son, Hassan, grow up and also lost the chance to bring him to America so he could start a new life. Sohrab lost both his parents to war because they were still living in Afghanistan, lost his childhood to war, and tried to commit suicide as a result of Amir going back on his promise to keep him safe from orphanages. Soraya lost her right to the truth when Amir kept his past a secret even though she opened up to him about hers. It is one thing to destroy your own life with guilt, but it is a completely different issue when you destroy the lives of others. Before Amir can go on the road to redemption, Amir must realize that he cant go back and change what he has done as a child, and he must find inner peace. Although if it was not for Amirs actions as a child, Sohrab never would have needed to be saved in the first place but by saving Sohrab, the last piece of Hassans life, does make a difference. From the moment he chose to turn his back on Hassan, there were many chances where Theres a way to be good again –pg.238 for all his wrongdoings, but he chose not to take any of these. Sohrab was his last and only chance for redemption. I have a wife in America, a home, a career and a family. But how could I pack up and go back home when my actions may have cost Hassan a chance at those very same things? And what Rahim Khan revealed to me changed things. Made me see how my entire life, long before the winter of 1975, dating back to when that singing Hazara woman was still nursing me, had been a cycle of lies betrayals and secrets. –pg.238 Amir admits that he cost Hassan a chance at a good life and that he had many opportunities to change the outcome of Hassans life. But at this moment he realized he could lose everything he has built in America, but for the first time in his life, Amir did not care about only himself, he came to terms with what he had done, and he was ready to redeem himself at any cost. Amir finally became the man who stood up for himself and his sins. Throughout his childhood, Amir looked for his fathers affection and he never could get it. His father had said Im telling you, Rahim, there is something missing in that boy. –pg.24 Amirs father would have been proud of him at this very moment because that was all he had wanted from him. The guilt that was built over the years was finally put to rest at the safety of Sohrab. In Afghanistan when Amir stood up for Sohrab and Assef aggressively beat him up, Amir had said My body was broken—just how badly I wouldnt find out until later—but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed. –pg.289 which showed Amir had come to terms with what he had done as a child and was finally felt relieved. Although he was getting beat up, it did not matter anymore, he just wished he had stood up to Assef years ago, and maybe he would have earned his redemption in that alley.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Marketing Mix And Promotion Mix

Marketing Mix And Promotion Mix Ethics have been an important aspect of business activities across the world for a long time. Ethical considerations are always in inseparable elements of business activities, thus advertising cannot be ignored. So we can say that ethics play quite an important role in advertising. Some of the ethics in advertising are: There should be no offence to the generally accepted norms of decency. Claims and representations should be true and honest. There should not be careless use of advertising products which are harmful either to individuals or society. The principle of fair competition should be respected in case of comparative advertising. The dignity of the human person should be maintained. Manipulative techniques should not be used, that means those techniques that play on a customer emotions etc. Ethical considerations are different from legal considerations. Legal considerations are enforced by law, but in case of ethical considerations they can or cannot be enforced by law. Ethical consideration have more to do with responsibility of a person towards the society, while legal considerations are something that has been written, approved and then enforced by the Government. Different companies have different ethical considerations towards a particular product or services, but legal considerations will always remain same as the opposite will be against the law. If we take the case of cigarette advertisement, the writing which says that cigarette is injurious to health is legal consideration; they cannot sell it without that phrase. The non use of vulgarity or obscenity can be seen as an ethical consideration more than a legal consideration. Communication is quite important in business. Ineffective communication causes a huge amount of damage to the company. There are a lot of barriers to communication, which stops the message being transferred. So to ensure that the messages are not impeded barriers to communication should be taken to consideration. So barriers to marketing communication campaign are: Variation in tone or style: If the marketing communication being informal or friendly or if the letters written in the message is threatening, can be a barrier to marketing communication. Noise: Noise can be a barrier as it can cause disturbance and may lead to confusion. For example when talking to a customer faults in telephone line causing some noises could cause disturbances. Differing perceptions: We know that each person is different, so people can take things differently, so a message should always be loud and clear. For example let us consider the advertisement of green tea, if the message that it is green tea is not mentioned loud and clear people could think it as normal tea. Language: Most misunderstandings can happen due to the difference in spoken interpretation. As we know language is most important for communication. For example the usage of jargon can often distort a message, it is not necessary everyone understands it. Lengthy message: If the messages are long people may tend to not to read or hear it fully and the message may not be conveyed in the right way. For example the TV advertisements are mostly about 30 seconds to 45 seconds, if it is more than that most people tend to get annoyed and would not listen to carefully. Prejudices: Some people tend to hear what they tend to hear but not what is said, so it may create false assumptions. Overload: Too much information in the messages can cause problems and the targeted audience may get confused. For example the TV ads regarding toothpastes in which it says the ingredients of the toothpaste, if the names of all ingredients are said people would get confused. Inconsistency: If the messages received are conflicting or inconsistent people tends to ignore them. For example the ad regarding soap, in the ad the company claims some effects of the soap and if anyone who had used it before never got the result would tend to believe the message is false. Channel barrier: If the channel used to send the message is not proper the message may not be received. For example the advertisement have video scenes can only be communicated via TV or internet but not through newspaper. Physical distractions: For example if the message is communicated through E-mail and there are spelling or grammar mistakes, the person who receives it wonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be able to concentrate on the message. Electronic Medias have always played an important role in communication. The evolutions of technology have made communication far easier. The electronic media includes Television, Radio, Telephone, Computers, Internet, Fax, DVD, CD-ROMs etc. As we know there are advantages and disadvantages for everything. The advantages of electronic media in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s communication campaign are: Messages can be communicated quickly. For example an E-mail can be sent quickly to people. Messages can be communicated at a time to a large number of people. For example an ad on television is seen by a lot of people at the same time. Distance is no longer a problem. For example a message can be communicated to a person at a far distance through telephone, e-mail etc. Audio, video and text can be used in the same medium. For example take the case of advertisements on television, in an ad there is video, audio and also text. It can be recorded and can be stored for future use. For example a message can be stored DVDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and can be used for future use. Powerful impact on people. For example an advertisement on television can have a lasting and powerful impact on people. The disadvantages of electronic media in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s communication campaign are: They are less intimate. For example an e-mail message is not as close as communicating directly. The mechanism of feedback is slow. For example the response to a television advertisement cannot be known quickly. The medium is expensive. For example a computer is expensive to buy. To make programmes special trainings are required. For example trained people are required for the making of an advertisement which is aired on television. In rural areas the access is limited. For example in many rural areas in many countries the internet is not available so e-mails cannot be used as a medium of communication. They are not permanent. For example and advertisement cannot be aired permanently, they will be taken off air after a considerable time. 6. Marketing Communication objectives are derived from marketing objectives. The main objectives of marketing and marketing communication objectives are to increase brand awareness, increase sales, encourage action from the targeted audience, improve customer relations, establish themselves in the industry etc.

Friday, October 25, 2019

German Barbarians :: essays research papers

Just outside the boundaries of the Roman empire of the first and second centuries, beyond the Rhine River, and occupying the area of Central Europe of what is today Germany, lived the tribes of the Germanic people. In Germania, the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus gave an account of the lifestyles and organization of these peculiar barbarians. These descendants of modern Germans proved peculiar in that they adopted many qualities typical of barbaric cultures, yet they simultaneously practiced virtues more befitting of advanced civilizations, values more ethical than even the Roman empire of the time. The German warriors had a rigid code that defined how to live honorable lives and shameful acts to avoid committing, and the warriors also adhered to strict tradition in their relationship with their king or chief.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The climate of Germany suited the warriors well. The combination of â€Å"wild scenery and harsh climate† (Tacitus, Germania) had given the barbarians an inherent endurance towards cold and hunger over time. To cope with their surroundings, the warriors had developed powerful physiques, yet their abundant resources of strength and stamina proved not to be a source of pleasure for them, for the warriors had â€Å"no fondness for feats of endurance or for hard work† (Tacitus, Germania). In earthly matters, Germany’s apparent lack of precious metals made the warriors quite utilitarian in regards to physical possession. They preferred silver to gold, as silver could be more easily fashioned into useful objects. Only the tribes of warriors on the borders of the Roman empire recognized gold and silver as trading commodities, while the ‘backwoods’ tribes traded through the simple practice of barter, yielding one item in exchange for anot her (Tacitus, Germania).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Germanic tribes were by no means idle people. Not content with the quietness characteristic of daily lives built on routine, â€Å"for rest is unwelcome to the race† (Tacitus, Germania), the tribes warred with their neighbors. In most cases, the tribes did not engage in voluntarily combat to gain or defend land or to right some alleged wrong against them; they mostly fought for two reasons. They first believed that it was easier to distinguish one’s self in the uncertainty of war, rather than in the predictability of routine. So war became a way for the barbarians to prove their honor, or sometimes expose their shame, as the abandonment of the shield during combat was â€Å"the height of disgrace† (Tacitus, Germania).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Darkest Child

In the novel The Darkest Child the author Delores Phillips displays the activities and likely hood of growing up in the still racist Deep South. The main character Tangy Mae encounters hardships and tribulations amongst her family. Her mother Rozelle Quinn displays negative habits of a mother by being over controlling of her kids. Rozelle often beat and called her children names out of frustration and rage. Tangy Mae and her siblings must step up to the plate in order for the family to make a living without a father figure while dealing with their scolding mother.In the story the Darkest Child the mother Rozelle Quinn is a thirty – five year old tall slender lady with dark grey eyes and so fair-skinned that she can pass for white is the mother of ten children including Tangy Mae who all lived in fear of her moods and temper. Rozelle favors her light-skinned kids, but insists that they all love and obey her unquestioningly. Tangy Mae is her smartest and darkest colored child, a nd her mother treated her different because of that.Tangy Mae went to school longer than all of her other siblings and wanted to continue but her mother wouldn’t allow her to because she wanted her to work like the rest of her siblings. Her mother would often beat her and her other siblings an example from the book is â€Å"The belt looped through the air in a rush, but instead of striking Martha Jean it cut into my shoulders, neck, and back. It knocked me off balance. †(Phillips 119) Her mother would always tell her things like she was ugly.She would talk to her kids anyway she would like and always threatened them to get her point across for example â€Å"Effortlessly, Mama wrapped her other arm around Martha Jean’s neck and breathed into her ear, dumb bitch. You no-good, dumb bitch. I’ll break yo’ goddam neck. †(Phillips 118) But somehow through all the stressful situations Tangy somehow still managed to keep her head up and stay strong t hrough it all. Their mother had a mental illness she would â€Å"Satan’s in here, she said in a hollow voice, her gaze darting about the room.While I was gone, one of yall let satan in my house. Who was it? No one spoke. Don’t sit there like idiots. I wanna know who did it. †(Phillips 69-70) This shows that Tangy Mae’s mother suffers from an mental illness. Tangy Mae and her siblings have been through it all from racism to being baldly mistreated by their mother. Their mother wanted to be in control of their whole life and if her kids ever went against something she said and didn’t obey her rules she would brutally hit them and call them all types of names.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Japanese Architecture In The 20th Century

Once pariahs in the Tokyo architecture world, Kathryn Findlay and Eisaku Ushida are now being embraced - at least by some - as its only hope. by Adam Davidson During those walks - as they compared their responses to the parks - it became obvious just how divergent their philosophies were. They began to develop a new way of thinking about architecture, one that incorporated both Findlay's attraction to the irregular appearance of the gardens and Ushida's love of their artful formalism. This new approach has resulted in some of most original, beautiful, and functional buildings in Tokyo, where their practice is now based. In a remarkably eclectic city, the forms, the materials, and the site plans of their houses bear no resemblance to those of other structures. Among the clean Modernist lines and planes of their neighbors, Ushida Findlay houses twist and bulge bizarrely. In a country where every architect hopes to create an ideal form, Findlay and Ushida prefer to blur the distinct ions between their creations and the natural landscape."They're special," says Peter Cook, chairman of architecture at the Bartlett School in London, and Findlay's former tutor at the Architectural Association (AA). "They may be the most special architects of their generation. They're getting quite a lot of mileage in England - they're getting onto competition lists, into publications, they pull in large crowds at lectures." Along with the praise has come work in Britain. They recently finished designing an apartment building for the Homes for the Future project, part of Glasgow 1999 - the central focus of the city's yearlong celebration of architecture and design - which is their largest commission to date in any country. They were also among six finalists (a shortlist that included Frank Gehry and Norman Foster) in one of the most prestigious British design competitions of the past decade, for the 1996 Financial Times Millennium Bridge spanning t... Free Essays on Japanese Architecture In The 20th Century Free Essays on Japanese Architecture In The 20th Century Once pariahs in the Tokyo architecture world, Kathryn Findlay and Eisaku Ushida are now being embraced - at least by some - as its only hope. by Adam Davidson During those walks - as they compared their responses to the parks - it became obvious just how divergent their philosophies were. They began to develop a new way of thinking about architecture, one that incorporated both Findlay's attraction to the irregular appearance of the gardens and Ushida's love of their artful formalism. This new approach has resulted in some of most original, beautiful, and functional buildings in Tokyo, where their practice is now based. In a remarkably eclectic city, the forms, the materials, and the site plans of their houses bear no resemblance to those of other structures. Among the clean Modernist lines and planes of their neighbors, Ushida Findlay houses twist and bulge bizarrely. In a country where every architect hopes to create an ideal form, Findlay and Ushida prefer to blur the distinct ions between their creations and the natural landscape."They're special," says Peter Cook, chairman of architecture at the Bartlett School in London, and Findlay's former tutor at the Architectural Association (AA). "They may be the most special architects of their generation. They're getting quite a lot of mileage in England - they're getting onto competition lists, into publications, they pull in large crowds at lectures." Along with the praise has come work in Britain. They recently finished designing an apartment building for the Homes for the Future project, part of Glasgow 1999 - the central focus of the city's yearlong celebration of architecture and design - which is their largest commission to date in any country. They were also among six finalists (a shortlist that included Frank Gehry and Norman Foster) in one of the most prestigious British design competitions of the past decade, for the 1996 Financial Times Millennium Bridge spanning t...