Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Greatest Accomplishment Of Lance Armstrong At The Tour...

The seven time victories of Lance Armstrong at the Tour de France proved to be an unforgettable accomplishment that has inspired individuals to part take in the sport of cycling. This triumph, however, spurred curiosity and scandal on whether Armstrong had taken performance enhancing drugs to achieve his victories. The use of performance enhancers has been a debate sparking controversy among the industries of professional sports. Advocates of the legalization of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports believe that it will result in an increase of fans, elevate athlete’s skills, and expand economic sport profits. In contrast, protesters of performance enhancing drugs believe that it will lose fans (due to game deception), risk athlete’s health, and bankrupt sports’ businesses. Before justifying the rights and wrongs on legalizing performance enhancers in professional sports, one must know the mechanics behind sports (cycling) and how doping begins. In any sports, athletes are put through extensive and rigorous training which deem to be physically demanding and arduous. Looking at the Tour de France, professional cyclists must sit on a bike and pedal for 300 miles of constants uphills while competing with other cyclists for first place. The mental and physical pressure of competitive sports causes the human body to become fatigued. For this reason, professional athletes rely on performance enhancing drugs for extra strength in order to compete vigorously.Show MoreRelated Lance Armstrong Essay1153 Words   |  5 Pagesthemselves champions of the sport. Lance Armstrong has succeeded so many times in this strenuous sport, that he has earned his title as the greatest cyclist. Lance was born on September 18, 1971 in a tiny suburb of Dallas, Texas called Oak Cli ff. Because his mother was pregnant with him when she was only seventeen years old, Lance grew up without a father figure, but to him it did not matter. Soon after, when he turned three, his mother Linda Mooneyham married Terry Armstrong who later became Lances newRead MoreThe Gratifying Qualities Of Sophocles Antigone1567 Words   |  7 Pagesblows of faith, and at long last the blows will teach us wisdom.† Lance Armstrong was one of the most respected cyclists in American history. HIs greatest accomplishments are winning seven Tour de France and inspiring millions of people. But, accusation of the use performance-enhancing drugs began to transpire. While Armstrong was i the hospital due to cancer, doctors questioned him about any substance use, in which Armstrong told the doctor the drugs he was using. Two of Armstrong’s friend BetsyRead MoreAnabolic Steroids And Its Effects On The Body1272 Words   |  6 Pagesbetter because they may have a smaller chance of recognition. One of the most recent and memorable that comes to mind is Lance Armstrong. Lance Armstrong is a former American professional road racing cyclist. After denying for years, he admitted to using anabolic steroids over the course of his career to improve his stamina. He would later be stripped of all seven Tour de France titles and an Olympic bronze medal. In Major League Baseball, or MLB, there are numerou s allegations of athletes using anabolicRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs4152 Words   |  17 Pagesthe ballplayers who took them and, of course, for their families. Newsweek also finds it very difficult to see these athletes rake in tens of millions of dollars for their cheat fest and, at the same time, erase from the record books some of the greatest names in what once was an illustrious game. Athletes will continue to say that they do not take performance-enhancing drugs even after they get caught, to be able to continue their cheat fest. Newsweek responds to the athletes cheat fest byRead MoreCase Study9153 Words   |  37 Pagesthe long-term performances of organizations that enjoy relatively stable operating environments. In contrast, organizations that operate in volatile and frequently changing environments are more likely to find that an organic structure provides the greatest benefits. This structure allows the organization to respond to environment change more pro actively. For example, Nike now embraces the rhetoric of environmental responsibility - including what it calls the triple bottom line. This approach supplementsRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesentire world, Thomas Edison’s prediction that the lightbulb would never catch on, or Irving Fisher’s (preeminent Yale economist) prediction in 1929 (a month before the crash) that the stock market had reached â€Å"a permanently high plateau.† When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969, most people predicted that we would soon be walking on Mars, establishing colonies in outer space, and launching probes from lunar pads. 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