Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ritalin Not the Best Treatment for ADHD or ADD - 1009 Words

Ritalin and other drugs used to treat children with ADHD and ADD have been given a lot of negative and some positive press over the years, but what is alarming is the statistics which I discovered from Suellen May, the editor of Understanding Drugs: Ritalin and Related Drugs: â€Å"In 1996, an estimated 1.5 million American schoolchildren (approximately 3-5% of all U.S. schoolchildren) were taking Ritalin daily† (9). The number clearly doubled over the years, which indicates that the use of Ritalin is increasing tremendously in America. With this in mind, while some feel that Ritalin is helpful overtime, the numbers show that Ritalin is actually not the best treatment for those who suffer from ADHD or ADD. The Discovery -- In the early 1930’s,†¦show more content†¦I wasn’t sure what was happening to me and didn’t think I had a right to voice my opinion so I simply agreed with my parents, teachers and doctors. My behavior improved and I seemed to be more focused, however, it also affected my social skills and personality. Soon I became out of touch with society, uninterested to do sports or play with friends and worst, I lost my personal traits; my humor, wittiness and affection. In spite of the side effects, over the next few years I continued to take the medications because my school grades were skyrocketing and I wanted to make my family proud. By the age of 11, I decided I wanted to gain back my personality and social life so I stopped taking Ritalin. It surely affected my lack of interest in school but I felt happier and alive. There are so many truths about Ritalin, how much it actually harms the body overtime then do well. According to the booklet â€Å"The Truth About Ritalin Abuse† by, the long-term effects of Ritalin are permanent damage to blood vessels of the heart and brain, high blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes and even death. But it does not stop there; strong psychological dependence becomes long term as well. Every one of a dozen children treated with methylphenidate experienced genetic abnormalities associated with an increased risk of cancer. The long-term effects are staggering but the emotional effects are just as bad. ForShow MoreRelatedDrug Use And Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1302 Words   |  6 PagesRitalin is a prescription drug used primarily in the treatment of behavioural problems in children such as Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (National Drug Intelligence Centre 200 6). It is estimated that 11 percent of Australians between the ages of 6 to 17 are affected by ADD or ADHD and the amount of Ritalin being prescribed has doubled in the last 10 years ( Schriever 2012). 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